it happens when you’re not looking


It’s been a while between posts and so much has happened.

Work has been crazy busy and I’ve continued to love it every day. But I’ve been putting in long hours and feeling guilty about not being around for my son.  No doubt this is entirely one sided of course as I’m quite sure he loves the independence that my busy-ness allows him!

This has also coincided with my husband’s equal busy-ness so the son has been doubly blessed.

In the meantime, the lessons keep coming.

I’ve learned that not all those you confide in are confidants.  Tough one – that one.

As a direct result of this lesson, I’ve learned I need to keep my mouth shut more.

I’ve learned that it’s always good to be reminded of what’s important.  You never get the time back with the people you love!

I’ve been reminded that time moves far too quickly.

I’ve learned that an effort to be healthy doesn’t always coincide with your body’s ability to actually be healthy.

I’ve been reminded that I miss my family.  And I wonder if I should make an effort to see some of them again.

And I’ve learned that stop, revive, survive is relevant to more than just driving.

I hope you have been reminded of all these things too.

Now go hug someone.

This entry was posted in balancing act, friendship, teens, what's important, working mother. Bookmark the permalink.

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